Saturday, January 6, 2024

Not Always Bleak

 I've been reading past writings here on this site

Year by year , month by month

I find my writings to be emotionally based

Rarely in the middle but High or low

I started writing here in 2009

 After years of journal  writing ,pen and paper

Old school but very effective 

I see good times and bad

The years when my first Granddaughter Aubrey was born

We rejoiced and had a new gift to enjoy

That was 12 years ago and that baby now sports an iphone

Time is not our friend in the grand scheme of things

There are time after my motorycle accident 

Where I should have died

I wrote of being thankful, being appreciative

And what an amazing Angel my Terria was helping to keep me alive

Yes I was blessed with my wife and my family

Dr. Bryant was my hero for years

8 years later Dr. Bryant removed my Gall Bladder

That was an ominous sign of things to come

Oddly enough I didn't write much about my impending health issue

My heart, my back and neck, my legs and mobility loss starting in 2019

Now it's my hearing and Tinnitus ringing through my brain

Losing the love of my life to my own stupidity

My one constant crutch has always been my writing

Writings from the 80's on

Different times and problem,,triumphs in my life

But I could always jot down my emotional state, pen and paper

Move to today, nothings changed

Still here to express my state of mind good or bad

Right now its bad but that's always subject to change

That's always the plan, we'll see? 

I'm very happy to have my writing, Photography and music

It is now my sole form of enjoyment , replacing

Cycling, the gym  and Motorcycles(fast ones)

I hate my losses in life but will focus on what I sill have

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