Thursday, January 18, 2024

How to make amends

 I talk about growth, mistakes, moving forward

I guess it takes much more than wanting it

Thr execution as I find out is the hardest part

So much of where I'm trying to go is in the dark

New ground for me to cover

The idea of not coming home to my wonderful wife

The reality and admission of creating this mess

For reasons I still cannot figure out

There is no copout or hidden agenda

I'm lost and confused as to the reasons why

The other side of the fence would never produce greener grass

I knew that then and know it now

There's so much emotional ground to cover here

The loss, the pains, the reparations of it all

Lacking the tools to do what's right

My tool bag is shit and useless to me

As usual I pray for the Pains to go away

To be forgiven for all of my wrongdoings

This as is most everything else completely out of my hands

Is there anything I can do to try to make amends

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