Friday, January 19, 2024


 I'm like a child who lost him mom in the store

Where are you mom?

Twisting and turning searching and crying

Where did she go?

I'm that child right now

Missing My Honey

She doesn't want me to call her Honey anymore

I sink into my bitterness

I cry inside why does this have to be happening 

Well it is let the heartache continue

I think about what we would be doing

It's painful to realize those days are behind us

Thinking about what she is doing, and does it make her laugh

I can't imagine or don't know what she is feeling

I want so much to talk to her and gauge where her mind resides

It's not an possible right now because I'm dead in her eyes

Like I never existed in her life

A stranger on the street, I nod and wave and say hello

She's staring at her feet and walks on by

If I had a word to say

I'd say I love you so

You blessed me with love and life

Why did I let you go 


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