Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Day Of Indifference

 A very good day for indifference

Nothing good or bad going on

Just another day of whatever

And all day to do it

Trying to look forward from this cloud of nothingness

Nothing's wrong or nothing incredibly right

Just nothing more than nothing

It's been sometime since it's been this way

Maybe a needed break from my mental overload

It's not easy when you get stuck in that place

But it's good to get away for a short while

Back to the grind to see where I'm at

It's been different for me lately 

I don't feel the constant sting of loss

It's here but it can stay away,but it hits so hard when it comes

I'm usually prepared for the worst case scenario

Part of me needs to feel the pain

Constant reminders of what's been done

It still bothers me to be be hated so much

But it's where I belong and I understand that

I'm in a place right now of always wondering

Hows she's doing , how are the kids

Are they still repulsed at the thought of me

That's assuming they even care

So this day of nothingness will carry on 

I will carry my baggage to the curb

In the hopes that it can be taken away

Everything will be here tomorrow 

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