Saturday, January 27, 2024

Peace , Tranquility and Reality

 It was a really nice 77 degree day on the PCH

I was taken to the iconic Mugu Rock

If you don't know what it's in 1/2 of all car commercials are filmed driving past

I was able to get in a quick 100 shots, 2 cameras and a perfect sun

There might not be a more tranquil place on earth

Blue Ocean water, ocean breeze and supercars everywhere

Not to mention the poop dropping birds

But they are welcomed it's their world

A nice 20 minute drive to the Rock

We went early enough to beat the crowd

The fragrant ocean air slap you across the face

Let's you know you're in the right place

My photography is another saving grace

Puts my mind in a better place to focus on the good

Had an interesting conversation with big sister about my situation

The world knows you  F'd up own it and move on

I thought of our friends, now her friends

Just how disappointed they must be

They are true and good to her and will help to ease her pain

Reminded of how expensive bad decisions can be

I didn't wander too far into the darkness, just dabbled near the shore

I know it's unhealthy to think about her

But I still love and don't want to her get away again

I can't turn off my love for her and I'm never going to forget

It's days like today that help me to realize how blessed I truly am

Even when the bottom falls out I will never hit the ground

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