Monday, January 22, 2024

Talk To Me

 Feeling better now, got the day started smoothly.

There are some things that weigh heavy on my heart these days

Not knowing how she's doing is very sad for me

I wish I could talk to her or even a text

As of now all of my communication tries have gone unanswered.

Even the ones regarding shared responsibility

Seems so sad for me to know that someone can be this upset

Even harder knowing it's because of me

I see so much that takes me back

To happy times when we loved and laughed

A bitter disparity to today, 

I'm not loved and I'm unable to laugh

Memories are the hardest thing

I see my photolog with so many moments

I sit down at a restaurant we frequented.

It's all I can do to to not breakdown and cry

Those memories are great but they make me so sad

Angry at times for all I had

It's where I am and can't look away

Face the facts that I ruined your life

I've ruined mine too and that's ok

My thoughts are with her and I still send my love

Fruitless as that may seem

It's all I have is to hold onto that dream

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