Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My Goodness!

 It is by far the nicest sunniest day We've seen in a while

So nice to wake up to a bright day as opposed to the recent gloom

Weather can sometimes alter your mood or inspiration level

But today it is bright and feels good to be alive

I've put a pause on my emotional hurts and pain

It has taken away so much from me and there's not enough strength .

It has taken its toll on you and I 

Not sure how much longer I can continue to care

Besides my mind being broken so is my body

My back, my neck, my hip my Neuropathy below the knees

IT's a struggle to get around with a walker or crutches

But its' what I will do to see this thing through

With all of the shit that's going on in my life

I can't be bitter or angry we all break down at sometime

Just never thought my dismantling would happen at age 61

I'm paying the price for motorcycle,, bicycle crashes and an active physical life

I wouldn't trade my life for anything, I've experienced so much

passionate about many things that my wife always supported

Many motorcycles, Bicycles, Sports Equipment and Cameras

She supported me for all of our time together

So I speak of her great support and her loving kind way

I pray I returned the same I wonder if she would ever say?

I was so blessed to have that goodness for as long as I did

I was always given the best that true love has to give

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