Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Calm In The Storm

 It is definitely cold and damp out tonight

Sweatshirt and a jacket weather inside

 That's with heater going

To be old and cold

Uneventful day and now evening

hard to be motivated in the rain

Tomorrow looks to be the same

That's a shame for sure

Not much going on in my mind tonight

I've out thought myself for too long now

I'm waiting for the day when I don't think at all

That has already happened

The rain is pouring like too many tears

sweeping away the puddles 

Reminiscing on happier times

When they were tears of joy

I'm running out of gas right now

I'm tired and worn out and need  a nap

I'm sending happy thoughts to those I love

 Bringing joy to my heart as a calming force

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