Sunday, January 21, 2024

Damn Me

The day started off with a promising glow 

Slept well last night no bad dreams woke up refreshed

I was going to go shoot some pictures today but never made it 

My brother and sister showed up so we stayed home

You figure family over would heighten my mood

It was actually quite the opposite

I became disenchanted and became sad

They were examples in front of me showing genuine love

I saw what I am missing with their loving ways

I sat across the room with envious eyes

I had what they have

In my opinion even more,

So my needless envy carried the day

A horrible way to feel because I threw my happiness away

Hard to think straight and and be happy for others

I'm stuck in my own grief and I don't see the end

I pray for that day when I feel inner peace

Be rid of my vices and my petty insecurities

I know it's coming please be soon

I'll die with a tear in my eye and the weight of regret

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