Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Shoe On The Other Foot

Welcome back to the work week

Long weekend's over and time to earn some money

A pretty entertaining weekend

Good family, food and memories, all positive

I am coming to a crossroads of believing my current situation

I had contemplated thinking of making things work

IT takes two to make that happen

But again, I want what I want right?

Trying to take a step back and answer that question posed

What would I do if the shoe were on the other foot

What condition would my feelings be in right now?

It's a great question which I try to answer

It's a question answered by " I've been there before"

I know what it feels like to be destroyed by a love , and belief in someone

I know the endless nights crying until the next morning

Getting it together for my then 7 year old son I raised without his mother, he's 38 now

I didn't handle it all so well

I hated her for what she had done to our boy, not so much me

It took time to move an inch forward in my progress

I had to fix my little boy and make him whole again before I fixed myself, I didn't

I understand the devastation horrible actions and decisions bring

The impact on many people and their lives as well

The hatred felt when all you see is the color red

Yes the shoe was on the other foot and it doesn't fit  

I understand your hatred towards me

I'm a bad person who made terrible mistakes

Why would you talk to me, answer my calls?

I know the space you're in, it's a bad place

 for the life of me I can't believe where I am

I cannot believe what I have done, what I've become

To me it is easier to be shit on than to shit on the one you love

I'm not heartless and won't recover from this anytime real soon

I know what it feels like to be crushed

Why would I ever do this to anybody else

Is it a sickness, a weakness a terrible frame of mind

To know I'm capable of inflicting such pain and destruction


It's hard to realize that I'm capable of being that person

Cold hearted, small minded and cruel

I would give my life to help you heal from this

You gave your life to me to make me happy! AND I WAS!!


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