Sunday, January 7, 2024

Not Asking For Much

 I know that I've always been a handful to deal with

Strong willed, mind ,opinionated and very verbal

Not a great listener when I should have been

Not great at anything really

Things have changed and outlooks to

I'm seeing the world from the realistic side

No wonderful wife to make sure I'm taken care of

It's fend for myself if I need to survive

Making mistakes and somehow survived

Both motorcycle crashes and that Bicycle ride

God has spared me I don't know why

I'm just thankful for another try

Now that things are different

I have to find another way

I'm not asking for much

Just a thought that at one time I mattered

Causing anger and creating pain

I look back on how I could have been different

I try to talk to her to make amends

But that pain lingers and never ends

I can say I'm different and less self-absorbed

I can prove it to myself but what's the point

The love of my life has abandoned ship

I've run aground and now she is safe

Lessons leaned and devastating loss

Have I learned anything but regret and guilt?

I remember the days when I needed so much

You were there to give it with love and a caring touch

At the end of this day I can see the rubble

My hurt is for your pains not my own destruction

I won't ask for anything but simple things

A text, a call when you're ready to talk

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