Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Thank You

 Through all of the emotional clutter I have left so much out

I have been through many traumatizing incident

Some of which can break marriages apart

This failure was not a result of Terria

I have been through 2 major motorcycle accidents

One was painful but not serious

In fact Terria was behind me on her bike when the car went left when his signal indicated right

I know this looked worse than it end up being

The second accident was horrible

Canyon ride solo, hard twisty turns with worn tires

I went off the road with no grip available

Went from 70, to 35 to stop, slamming to an abrupt halt

I felt bad hit the gas tank pretty hard and knew there was something wrong

Emergency crews came suggested I go to Hospital, I decline

Terria came to pick me up, my boy Ty came in my truck to take my bike

On the Drive home I asked Terria to take me to the Hospital

We arrived at the Hospital instantly taken to ICU

I was Peeing blood and shit myself

I was bleeding out, Terria was terrified, I had no idea how bad I was

12 Days in the hospital, 4-5 blood transfusions and platelets 

I went home a bettered beaten up man being taken care of by my Terria

She did everything and didn't let me do anything

She had to wipe my butt

Never relented never complained just did her thing and helped me heal

She went out and bought me a nice recliner

So I could get comfortable, along with a new floor heater

She did everything to make me comforable

I had so much to live for so I fought for us

I've had many surgeries  shortly after

Back, knee, foot and Gall bladder

My wonderful Terria was there every minute

What a Godsend she is

My most recent near-death incident involved a bicycle ride 

went out for my daily ride hit a sewer grate missing a bar and came to a halt

Thrown from my bike I ended up under the rear wheels of a tractor trailer

I hit my neck on the rail and jammed my back, injured my hip

While I'm under this truck I see a man running towards me

I'm dazed and have no idea what's going on

The man is yelling at me get out of there

The truck was stopped at a red light.

He pulls me from under the trailer

20 Seconds later the light turned green and the truck rolled on

I was 20 seconds away from a horrible death

My Terria came to the rescue again

Later that evening I developed a large hemotoma, it gre w and grew larger

Went to the hospital they treated it with?

3 weeks later I had it surgically removed 

and the long heal begins

Terria took me to wound care weekely

They treated the tri-tip sized hole in my leg with meds and medicated wrap

This process went on for 11 months , finally being released. 

Once again Terria my superstar was always there 

Since that crash I've never been the same, lst mobility and strength , balance

Then now needing a walker to get around the house, 

2 Orthopedic surgeons, and 3 neorlogist later

They still don't know what is wrong with me

That wonderful wife of mine was a superstar though it all

She took time off from her teaching position to make sure I was aken care of

She set up all appts, tests medications for me

Then drove to them all

I can never repay my Terria

I can never say thank you enough

Instead of cherishing my diamond

I let her go for no reason

This horrible mistake

Will haunt me until my death

Living with the pain I've given

My love and appreciation for your love to me, I will forever love you

Your selfless behavior, always there for me

Your kind loving ways shown daily

Have made me the happiest man in the world

I love you sweetheart I always will. Love started and ended with you

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