Sunday, January 14, 2024

Depressed State

 Last night was a very lonely night 

I was amongst family yet felt all alone

A state of depression kicked in hard

And I had such an enjoyable day 

Funny thing depression

When it hits it really comes hard

No warning , no alarm bells

Just that sinking feeling that shit aint right

Slept well, had a few dreams

The unrealistic dreams that bring her back

Well at least the nightmares are staying away

Maybe that's when I wake up and realize it was a dream 

I really need to stop thinking about what I have lost

It's gone and I can't bring her back

I do have real goodness in my life

In typical fashion ,it Isn't enough, wanting more is my middle name

That very trait has killed my dreams, stunted any growth towards healing

Time will naturally take care of most things

The answers will come and I would have accepted them

Tom Petty said "the waiting is the hardest part"

The day brings a breakfast trip with Sister

Maybe more pictures later on in the day

Should be bright a crisp out today

But a good photo day waiting in the wings

As I said the brain plays tricks on me

Making me think I don't deserve this fate I've created

Well I do and I've accepted my wrong-doings

And am Paying the bill for my services

I just want a civil understanding

Nothing less, nothing more

A good felling that I can make contact

And that me reaching out won't be ignored

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