Friday, January 19, 2024

The Power of Love

 I know of the sadness

I know there is anger and disappointment.

Forgiveness is not in the cards right now

I truly hope the love you felt will override it all

Love and hate are equal emotions, 

Both can take you over and make you something different

Love is forgiving and gentle and kind

Hatred is running me over with the truck

I know you have always loved me

I loved you long before I was able to show you

Even longer before I said the words 

Based on my action do you believe I ever did

I will tell you truly

This is one thing I will always know for sure

If you continue to be disgusted with me

My love will continue until my last breath of air

Will that love be strong enough take away pain?

Will it allow us to bury our axes 

Love is powerful and strong

Is it enough to be forgiven

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