Thursday, January 11, 2024


 I cannot continue to beat myself up

All of my character flaws are obvious

Most of which can't be changed at this stage in my life

What do I do to live life again

Going through such a big loss is daunting

You get used to things the way they were

Even complacency has reared it's head again

A reminder of taking your foot off the gas

The pain is here as is the remorse

To all that has transpired

You know if I could replace that hurt

It would have been done

So instead of punching myself out again

Take a step away from the problem

The damage is done

No need to further complicate an already complex life

So for now it's just apologies and regret

None of which mean anything now

Nobody feels better at the end of the day

The bruises are still visible

I'm taking a break from the self mutilation 

And I'm trying to heal myself

If only I could show you

You're not alone in your misery

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