Friday, January 12, 2024


 I still feel a sense of missing something

A conversation, a dinner date  ,a laugh

Anything mundane seems to trigger feelings of sadness

Favorite restaurants, Frequented office buildings

I assume these odd feelings subside with time?

But time seems to be standing still 

The days and the memories keep piling up

There's that sadness that won't let me rest

Trying to make amends for it all

If not with her at least myself

Told myself I'm going to stop kicking my own ass

She still won't talk to me, what can I do

I'm moving beyond the anger and disappointment stages

But feel angry that it's out of my reach

Losing control of my normal routine

Where my guilt has become my new normal

Maybe one day I will look back at this

And accept and adjust to my losses

Until that day my bitterness lingers

As I wonder how you're doing

I know we've lost responsibility to each other

that's so hard for me to fathom

I still worry and wonder are you ok

Do you ever think about me?

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