Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Where Am I?

 There's allot of moisture in the air

It's not rain or snow

There's a density pulling down from the sky

It's not good or bad it just is

I have yet to determine whether it be friend or foe

I can't leave it alone and let it die

What is this thing that puzzles me so

Too much time too many idle thoughts

Maybe there's some therapeutic value to this all

To move on from the doldrums into a fire

It might wake me up from this purgatorial state

Is purgatorial even a real word

I'm no wordsmith although I was touted as such

Don't believe a word I say it was probably made up

This oddly frightening place that I'm in

I wish I could start all over again

Here is now yesterday's long gone

There's a dream at the end of each sentence I wish were true

To wear the worlds pressure over my head

The sign will always read "room for rent"

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