Saturday, January 13, 2024

Brighter Day

 It was a very productive day

Woke up to Ezekiel toast

Two cups of Keurig coffee

The day was off running

All kicked off with a trip to Ventura harbor

People, boats and dogs aplenty

A quick stop at the beach after pictures

No waves or surfers to photograph

Was driven around by older sister

Wanted to go to lunch but couldn't decide where

Blenders smoothie was the answer

Nice sunny day and very tranquil

I was able to remove myself from the world

If but for a few hours it worked out well

Mind was taking a break from stress

The heart temporarily from sorrow

I wasn't running away from troubles

Just taking a healthy mental break

Much like I do when I write

And baking a Chocolate cake

There might be light at the end of


Shining brighter than I could imagine

The sting is still here

Disappointment still knocks on my door

Not sure if I'm feeling resilient

Or feeling too drained to feel it

I'm sure I will feel it again soon

You just can't lose that much love

It was a good day which I will take

It was a day without deep reflection

The guilt, the sadness and bitterness

Were able to take a day off

The reality is I care too much

The truth is I hurt too much

Minimal to the pain inflicted

The losses pile up and will keep me grounded

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