Sunday, January 21, 2024

Fight or Flight

 I've been going back and forth here

What should I do in this situation

Let it go and address it at a different time?

Or should I jump right in and fight the fight

I really need to step away from this for awhile

But my heart is tugging at me to get in there and fight

Logic tells me stand back and let the emotions calm down

I don't want to pour fuel on the fire

Feelings are broken, lives' are in disarray

I can only equate her feelings on how I'm feeling today

I imagine her pains are much more hurtful and sharp

Mine are bad , they are filled with guilt and an emptiness

Someday when it has settled down 

I really want that conversation

She will object I think

The damage has been done

I have so much to say and I have so much to hear

I would love to know the space she is in

She knows I will always care

So I wait and wait and hope for that opportunity

I truly believe that true love never goes away

It takes a beating and makes it hard

To say I'm done and go on with my life

Without the one I love

Troubled times await us both

A Painful and a hard recovery

I never in my life knew I could hurt the one I love

I'm a horrible husband who wants forgiveness

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