Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Just Walk Away

 It's very dark inside right now

Not a feeling or mood, just no lights

I feel like something is missing

Maybe I should be home I'm sure it's there

But I know there is no welcome mat

Solicitors can stop and say hi

Maybe some gutter work or the Amazon man

I'm afraid to drive on by

 Wanted to watch a movie, my movie partner is miles away

So I settle for a Lakers game

Pissing and moaning at every whistle

The officiating crew needs more TV time

Another wonderful dinner, we ate we drank we had bathroom breaks

The Chili Colorado was quite tasty if not too hot

But we ate and soon after paid Mr. Piper

It wasn't shake and bake but I did help

Just a different feeling of being a guest in someone's home

I feel so comfortable here but nobody wants to reach the expiration date

I will enjoy my time in big sisters home

I learning how retired people live

I am very blessed to have a loving family

Since I ruined the perfect family I had

It's much to late for apologies

I'm only as good as my last fuck up

Things aren't as bleak as I thought

Each new morning brings new hopes

As I pray each night for my loved ones

And the woman who used to love me 

I can honestly say God has a plan

I wasn't worthy of what I had

There is no punishment in my crimes

That I haven't imposed upon myself

When I think of all that's gone

Sure there's a sadness and regrets

But I have to thank the man above

For granting me this goodness if only for a day

Take away all their pain 

Wipe away all of our tears

Tragedy happens all around

It's unfortunate but  none of this is tragic

When you're thrown off the horse

get up and wipe away the dirt

If you're  afraid to get back on 

Maybe it's just not for you

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