Monday, January 8, 2024

Sunshine Break

 Taking some time away from the real world

The problems and feelings I have will be here when I return

I came outside away from the TV

Into the sunshine for some sort of Vitamin Thats good for you

It's so easy to get caught up in the misery

So easy to fixate on all that is wrong in my world

There are some good, I'm looking real hard

I have more than I give credit to

I can't really focus on anything tangent

I can't reach out and change something real fast

It's a process that I'm not behind

I have no patience for anything but now

The sun feels great as I squint my eyes

The sun is warm and the air is cool

Taking myself away from real thought

Just trying to enjoy a moment from pain

Oh it's waiting for me to come back

I'm ready for it and know how to absorb the blows

Bob and weave and try to avoid

That knockout punch that sends me home for good

It can't be all doom and gloom

I have to find a place to feel something good

It's not a person or a place

This state of mind must conquer its' inner demonic rage

I feel that with each passing day I feel the gap growing

To being absorbed with it all and to accepting my fate

I know there's loss around each turn

I need to pick a path that won't destroy what I have left

At the end of the day what am I really about

Should I continue to dwell on my negatives or pop my head from the clouds

I can't continue on this unhealthy path

I can enjoy this sunshine and figure it out later?

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