Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Healing

 I'm not even going to let the overcast dim my mood

Yeah it's ugly out a far cry from yesterday's Chamber of Commerce day

But I'm going to make it work today

Work has started, getting ready for that first cup of coffee

It's not easy to escape a moment here and there

A flash memory that either makes me happy or sad

The happy memories seem to outweigh the bad

So I would call that progress at any rate

There is such a long way to go from here

It's not about my healing but more so hers

The ability to grow from this terrible moment 

Will make or break where we go from here

I've had to think non stop 

Worrying about the healing taking place

While the rest of the world passes me by

I don't want to miss the rest of my life living with worry

I would give my life to see her smile

Give up the same to hear her laugh at me

There's so much missing when I look to my side

This is just the way it is

As I wait for the sun to come through today

My anxiety at the moment when I can work from outside

I miss the life I threw away, so meaningless to go out like this

Healing, hope and tranquility is what I truly wish

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