Friday, January 12, 2024

Break time

 The sun feels so good right now

It's lunch break and got outside

Brought my camera and loving the gardens flowers

Air is cool but the vibrant sun erased all coolness

I love the warmth of today

Got bad music blaring out via Alexa

I guess 80's pop doesn't mean good 80's music

It's noise that I can use regardless

Have a few minutes to take a few pictures 

Listen to some sort of music

Work on my color a bit

Not too much thinking going on right now

I have to try to remove myself from the sadness

It's there and trying to take me over

Most days it beats me down

Today I'd call it even

Take a few more pictures here

See some birds hovering nearby

Not a horrible way to get away

I'm going to use this sunshine up, why not

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