Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Worlds Rocked

 It's really hard to believe that it's all changed

My world, her world and the kids

Beaten down by a selfish man

Yes that awful man is me

It's truly tragic to think that one person can inflict so much pain

Like an active shooter of the soul

Taking down innocent good people for some agenda

That agenda was my inconsiderate greed

On November 1, I was exposed for the person I had become

Selfish,ruthless. And careless with others feelings

They are feeling it deeply

I would just rather die than to watch this devastation 

My life was my amazing wife

She gave me so much love and support

Made me feel like She loved me more than herself

I've taken that away with my infidelities

It's so hard to reach out and know she doesn't want to be here

It's so hard to know that I rocked her world

I turned away from this lifetime of incredible love

For minutes of false pleasure and a broken home

I know there's no forgiving and so much regret

I feel the hidden hatred that my existence won't soon forget

When the world falls apart and there is no place to come home to

I look back and realize that there's nothing to look forward to

I'm sad and Sickened, Forever remorseful

To this hell I have created 

This world I've rocked ,forever destroyed

I can no longer call it home

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