Wednesday, January 17, 2024


 I've been doing alot of thinking , hence the writing lately.

It's my go to when I'm feeling less than ok

I can't complain , my shortcomings are all based on decisions I've made

Bad decisions which have consequences

These decisions will sting less as time goes by

To be replaced with something different,  a new outlook

I won't ever replace my losses

But I can replace my sorrow with happiness, even indifference

There's so much control I have from here on

There's plenty that  requires others' expertise

My health, my mental stability I will defer to experts

But for now I will find my path

I will have to remind myself

 That a path of least resistance is a path I cannot take

I really need to put forth a new plan of attack

a plan without shortcuts or instant gratification

It's like a reboot of most things I know

I'm trying to look forward to future gains

Stop focusing on my current losses

Time is either my friend, or adversary, use it wisely!

In the end I am responsible for my existence

I can utilize. the gifts I have 

Or I can defer to my self destructive incompetence.

These are decisions that are going to be made

I know the sadness today will fade eventually

But that loss will always be there

That reminder that when your life gets away from you  

The cost of bad decisions must be paid for in the end, TIME TO PAY!

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