Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Win The Day

 It was a damn good day today

Worked from the patio while I worked on my tan

Winner on all fronts

Didn't have to focus on the negativity in my life

So I took a day off from it today

Did think about my Terria briefly

But each time I smiled with a good thought

Believing my honey will be OK 

Expecting another gift in the mail tomorrow

Nothing special nothing world changing

But part of that addiction for something new

So glad my oldest son shares my passion for photography

We talk everyday about our latest shoot

We share our photos and critique a bit

But the learning curve is levelling out

My boy is the creative one, self published 2 poetry books which made me proud

I shared with him the gift of self expression

First it was writing now he's photographing outdoors

These outlets will keep you grounded

They are your best friend that never leaves our side

In closing out tonight I can thank so many people

From loved ones to acquaintances

I'm looking for another great day tomorrow

I will try to win another day, night for now

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