Friday, January 19, 2024


 Friday's are not a bad thing around here.

A chance to rebuild and replenish 

Tear away at the impending sorrow.

I realize it's One day at a time And It's such a slow process.

There are many days when I feel like sleeping all day

Depression has its' ugly hand on me now

But I don't plan on being in its hold forever

I will hear that voice and recovery will begin

Seems like there are so many situations resembling mine right now

My situation is not unique to the world 

but it is Foreign to me and I don't quite understand it

The radio, Videos and TV seem to remind me daily

I can honestly say I'm not where I was and not where I will eventually be

A better place where I can reflect and tell myself 

You really fucked that up without knocking myself out 

And not torturing myself for the world I have created

There will be healing for us all

An understanding that as unfortunate a this has been

There's growth ahead to replace the pains we feel today

That is my goal , my wish and desire

I want to laugh again, I want be excited about something

There is power in happiness, I want to see you smile again

I realize that is down the road a bit

But I will wait until that day and smile back at you

I do see some light down the road

There has been growth amidst the ongoing tension

One day soon I really think we will have a conversation

I will listen and hear every word you say

To say I miss my life and miss my wife

Is understated as it ever could be

I rocked our world and threw it away

And broke too many hearts

There's an open door waiting ahead 

To replace the door that closed

Your life has changed but your world got better

Free from being hurt again

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