Tuesday, January 16, 2024

It's Broken, Fix It

 At one time I thought I could fix myself

Spent 2 1/2 years with my therapist

Worked on many things

Like most of what I've done I was not thorough enough

Here recently I thought I could repair my marriage, I really did

It's that unrealistic mindset that takes me away from what's in front of me

Like the perfect wife and family

Lost without any idea why I put us there

I have looked in the rear view and thought at times

When the mother of my child broke our hearts

I never recovered and carried anger forward in my life

I was so concerned with my sons' recovery, I passed on mine

Here I am today, as broken as I was 28 years ago

A broken engine repaired with broken parts

Never running properly just waiting for my next patch job

Stopping the leaks all over my body

I don't comprehend the state I'm in

I don't understand Why I broke your heart

I won't ever forget the feeling inside

When you won't take my calls or don't want to be near me

So I try to attack every day

With the thought of tomorrow being a day 

which provides me answers and some clarity

To how I got here and how do I move forward?

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