Friday, January 12, 2024

Look What I've Done

 I'm alone at the house, not mine, it's where I stay these days

It's dark and lonely by choice

I was invited out to dinner again tonight

Once again I passed, so disinterested with the world

Maybe I would rather wallow

Sit here feeling despondent and enjoying it

I feel like I'm punishing myself again

Thankfully I can only hurt myself

It's not so sad anymore it's just routine

To wonder why I am I allowed to take up space 

And be of no use to anybody

Definitely not to myself

Everybody is so nice to me

It's family right, to be expected

I'm getting hungry dinners calling me out

I could skip a meal wouldn't kill me

This darkness that I sit in now

The darkness in my life

Must be my just rewards for being who I am

A cheater a liar and a thief

I've stolen 25 years of her life

And broken her in two

I took the best thing I've ever known

A Selfish, insensitive and hurtful man

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