Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Unanswered questions

 You ask me the questions

I'm not reading questions I see statements

I'm trying not to be evasive

I just don't see the questions I need to answer

My answers are never good enough ,concise and lack depth

I know your anger makes my responses seem less complete

I wish I had what you wanted 

I wish I knew what to say

In response to your questioning

I have had some of my own

None of which have ever been answered

Just deflected towards what is already known 

I ask how Can I make things easier

Though easier is probably an impossibility right now

I ask if  I should go away and let you be

 I get is another statement disguised as a question

How could I ever put you in this position

What I've done is horrible wrong

This has all been established months ago

Yet it's mentioned in every conversation

I have owned my indiscretions

Taken it in the chin as I should

How to do we get to the finishing line in tact

Instead of restarting at the beginning again

I know you were the most devoted

The most supportive wife there can be

I have no complaints about your commitment

This is all a result of me

I've tried my best at moving this forward

And have failed at this too

I really hope our next conversation

Is a building block not another wall

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