Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Next Stop

 I can live another day

A day closer to figuring this all out

I really don't ask for much

But that the people I hurt go on and be productive

Another phone memory came my way yesterday

It was Terria and my boy Ty

He was hero of the game at a Dodger game

Soon to be a commissioned officer in the Army

We are proud of all the boys, each one brings something different

Sad to think that they won't talk to me anymore

I totally understand how hurting Mom is a definite DO NOT DO!

So I miss the boys and my beautiful Grandkids, I miss my wonderful wife

Taking a look forward I don't see them reaching out to me

If I'm dead to them then that's the way it must be

Someday things will be much clearer

For her to take back her slice of the world that I took away

Accountability, ownership and the will to grow

Stop being that person and just take control

Everything that mattered is now out of touch, out of my reach

I pray she never is hurt again

At the end of the tunnel

I can see some light

Must continue to travel and maintain the fight

Status quo just won't cut it anymore, look where I am

I know it's early but I hope she finds a new love

It's a tough market out there so many battered dishonest assholes like myself

I would hope that somebody could enjoy my losses

If it's what she wants she'll do just fine

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