Monday, January 29, 2024

Pay The Man!

 It's a stressful time of the year for some

Was reminded that tax paperwork is coming due

Tis the season to give more than you already have

Somebody has to pay for people on the county and state payrolls

It is a right of passage to pay our taxes

It's not right or left it's how goods and services are provided

I'm not going to argue those points

I'm just blessed to be in a position to make my contributions

It's tough to make things work in life

Some create our own good luck and bad

I can't judge the less fortunate than I

I can only be thankful I'm not in need

When when I write the check to Federal

 and state

And I will trust me it's a given at this point

I write it forget it and keep the pen ready til next year

This years tax season brings some impending changed

This will be our last year of filing joint

Everything has been changed to Self Only

It's an odd reality I will have to familiarize myself with 

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