Sunday, January 14, 2024

Game night

I'm anticipating tonight's Football game 

Huge Ram fan even larger Cowboy hater

I really don't watch the games with as much interest

But I do care who wins or loses

Baseball is my true sport

Hardest thing to do in sports is to hit a Baseball

It's a purest game that we've all played

Some of us better than others

The sports world really consumes most of us

I had to peel back and not get so involved

It's entertainment nothing more

But not everybody sees it like that

So it's still early now have a few before it all starts

Maybe a snack, maybe another posting here?

No rhyme, no reason ,no clue

It's time to relax and put the worries on hold

Just finished editing todays' shooting

I need a new computer and editing program

It's slow tedious work which aggravates me so much

I have no patience and that's a problem

The clouds are back the sun is hidden

Colder than it needs to be

Looking forward to a good night ahead

Going to enjoy tomorrows holiday and find something to do

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