Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Broken Man

 There comes a point in my life when I need to take stock

What is it that makes me happiest

Where and how do I go about finding it

Is it a person , a thing, some useless possession 

I'm not sure what it could be

I had the perfect wife for 25 years

Screwed that up, not going to find a woman of that caliber

I have every toy a man could want,flavor of the month is Cameras

I sense a great imbalance in my approach to most things

I tend to gravitate towards the darker side of town

Where responsible people don't protect what they love

I didn't do that and didn't consider the ramifications of poor decisions

It's much more than infidelity

Addictions to allot of things that aren't drugs

Addicted to thoughtless acts of hurtful behavior

When you've lost it all it's a great reminder

Thoughtless acts never go unpunished

You can't hide the truths of deceit

So here I am 61 years old, acting like an 18 year old kid

Should be planning for my retirement in less than a year

I now plan where am I going to live

How will I deal with my losses and pains created

Sounds cliche but God will have my answer

I just need to earn the right to be shown the right way

In retrospect I'm where I belong

Can't argue with the facts

I'm been a bad husband father and friend

How could I ever expect a happy ending

I'm a sad man who let his world down

I'm a bad man for destroying loved ones hearts

I honestly don't care where I end up

I just want my Honey to be ok

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