Friday, January 26, 2024

This IS Where I Want To Go

 I've covered where I've been

Where I'm going and where I want to be are different

We all know the world Isn't always fair

Who am I to expect anything different

I just know I will find a soft landing spot

Remember I'm that fortunate guy

Still being amongst the turmoil and Murkiness

Not much is clear to see or even imagine

There will come a day of reckoning

I had better be ready when it comes

I want to be away from my nearest distractions

To focus in on the task in front of me

I'm thinking the task will be my health

My emotional wounds slowly stop bleeding

I don't want a relationship with anybody else

I can't be responsible enough to find it , keep it, make it work

IT's much to easy for me to repeat my past

I don't want to hurt anybody ever again

But Dammit I would do anything for another try with her

The day will come when I will be dealt some options 

They won't be the options I want and I will politely move on

I always want what I want and won't ever settle

I've had the best why would I go backwards

So staying put is like moving forward

That someday we will come to an understanding

I just want to talk, I just want a friend

I wonder if she will ever allow that to be

Getting back to long arduous journey

I have some time to grow and be better

Will I grow enough to be her friend

Will I ever be good enough to sit down beside her

My fears and questions that run through my mind

Am I already dead to her and it just won't matter

I just want to go where she is, a talk, a laugh or a cry

Just one more chance before I die

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