Monday, January 15, 2024

40 Years Ago

 Today is the 40th anniversary of my dad's passing. We all wanted to acknowledge his final day and resting in a peaceful afterlife makes me happy

I had just turned 21 and was out late with friends dancing. We got home late and was drunk and tired the next morning. Every Sunday my father and I would to breakfast usually at Bob's Big boy 2 Mile's from the house. He would knock on my door and say" let's go big boy time to eat. I was so tired that I told him that I had gotten in late and was going to sleep more.

He went on his way as usual and I continued sleeping. We had a luncheon planned that day with Suzies parents in Marina Del Ray.. then the phone rings and it's the Hospital, ironically the same hospital where most of us kids were born. They tell us he is in intensive care and we should get there. We all head out and get to the hospital, nobody would speak with right away and were told to wait.

A few minutes later the hospital pastor came in and led us to a room , my mom, brother and sisters knew of impending doom, l remember my brother saying " oh no". We were told the news we already knew and sobbed and held each other. My dad was gone at 62, I only had 21 years to love him. The whole day was a fog of disbelief.

As we carried on with our lives I recall my brother getting ready to go to Japan to play in the Japanese Baseball league, he was a professional Baseball player. So ironic that my dad was a POW in a Japanese prison camp for 3.5 years, only to be freed after the bombs were dropped.

As we celebrate and commemorate the anniversary of our fathers passing. We all share love and together that both mom and dad instilled early on. We are all blessed to be close to each other and always support one another. I currently live with my sister who took me in as I proceed with my divorce. That's what family is about. Some people in my situation become homeless because they have no family support.

Lastly, I have an odd quirk that still troubles me , or at least a sad spot. When we got the call from the hospital I was playing a record on the my player, so odd a song from the band Duran Duran had just been started. The song was " save a prayer" one of my favorite songs at the time. I cannot listen to the song all the way through anymore since that day. There are 2 songs that represent my memories of my father. One is Save a prayer-Duran Duran and the other is Billy Bragg- tank Park Salute. I offer up to you,this tribute" Billy Bragg. Rest in peace Mom and Dad

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