Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Another Passion

 Over the past 6 years I've found a new hobby

More of a passion and an interesting outlet 

Different in that it's not motorcycles, bikes or Gym Speak

It's an artistic way to let my mind breathe 

We watched a movie with Ed Harris called Kodachrome

An older photographer living his last years ,sick and bitter

He goes on a cross country trip with his son

They argue, he takes pictures along the way

Great movie and it got my interests brewing

In High school I wanted a good camera but couldn't afford it

So I was gifted a Polaroid one step and went to town

Years later I ran into an old friend 

She is a photographer who was taking pictures for an awards function for Terria

We talked a bit and I gawked at her photo gear

Thousands and thousands of dollars in Cameras and lenses

The itch for photography was back

I picked her brain for an entry level Camera kit

She made suggestions which I followed

I was excited to get out and shoot the world

The local beaches and Parks were my first target

Well many camera upgrades later and lots of money spent

Thousands of saved photos straining my hard drive for space

Photography, editing , printing is such a joy

Now I share this passion with my boy

My oldest boy a father of 2

Had purchased an old film camera and was learning the craft

He sent me some pictures from here and there

I was impressed with the natural gifts he possesses

This past Christmas I had purchased a new Camera, 

Much bigger, better more complex than the rest

I had two seldom used cameras in my bag

So I gifted them to my son\

His eyes lit up as he opened his presents

2 modern cameras and an array of lenses

I share my passion with my son

Like Baseball ,music and writing

So he's out and about taking pictures

Sending me samples of what he's done

It reminds me of just starting out 

And the joy he has found

I'm so glad I can share this hobby

To my boy who I miss so much

Picture of my grandsons and of landscapes yet to be found

A gift and a passion that will keep on giving

In high school I wanted a caera but couldn't afford it

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