Monday, January 29, 2024

Yay for Today

 Typical Monday start for me. 

Slow, methodical and a struggle to motivate

But that was earlier and time flies by

I'm ready for what the day brings me

The weekend seemed long and busier than normal

I was able to shoot two days in a row

I must find a car to drive real soon

I love to drive anywhere for no reason

I have to make sure I can safely drive

My legs are weak and lack full feeling

I also will lug around a walker

Inhibiting my mobility

I'll cross that road here real soon

And use my better judgement

It would be nice to get out and drive

To give myself some options

All in all I'm feeling better today

Both emotionally and physically

So I will see how it goes and day by day

I'll be closer to where I want be be

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