Monday, January 15, 2024

I Just Don't Know

 I wish I knew what I don't know

It's hard when you know nothing anymore

It can get frustrating to be so lost

I would never know if I found it anyway

If I did ,I would want something more

When I found that 

I would look over the fence again

Is that grass greener than mine?

I try to reflect On things I've done

Decisions made and reckless behavior

I can't  continue to have the mindset

This feels good let's try it out

So much Time, effort and money

Wasted on things I have nothing to show for

Actually have lost more than I could ever hold

I've lost things which are invaluable

My love, my friends my respect

Faded away like the setting sun

Like water downstream

It's never coming back

When I look back on the past the view is very blurry

I squint and strain but feel the pains, Both delivered and received

To want what I want when I want it

Makes me blinded to any reprocutions

It's much too late to live and learn

Too old or stubborn to try

There are no redo's in this life 

Just the rubble and baggage to sort through


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