Wednesday, January 17, 2024


 I need the sun to poke on through right about now

The gloominess seems to be the order these days

May the winds of positivity, or even change blow it away

We play with the cards we're dealt

The weather outside is inconsequential.

The storms brewing inside me are ominous and strong.

My personal weather check is coming through.

Inclement with a chance of happiness

Think a good thought, have a good result

Dreamers can dream and realist can be aware

Things aren't always what they appear to be

But sometimes we don't like the end results

The heaters on, have a blanket at my side

I'm not cold but feel the need for some alternative comfort

Feeling needy for a conversation, a smiling face

Throw in a hearty laugh and my world would be complete

It's so funny how my needs and desires have changed

I had always raved the next best thing

But it's the simple things that I miss so much, a text message , an emoji

I have work to do I've got to go

There's an odd feeling when familiarity becomes foreign

Friends become strangers you don't know

The home that I was born in is no longer mine ,I'm not even welcome for a drive by, not that I could anyway.

Is it sadder to lose a wonderful life, or never have had it all

Now that I don't have it , and have a comparison of What I've lost

I can't be sad for myself

I can see how most people live their lives

Without Love ,hope or a future

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