Sunday, January 14, 2024


 The one thing I've learned over the years

To communicate is such a big key

To communicate properly is even more vital

We get lost in our own thoughts

It's much more than spewing words and opinions

You gotta listen to hear what they're saying, what they mean

I was gifted with an array of communicating skills

None of which included listening

I've said many times before

You can only learn when you're listening

I never heard much anybody said

Which makes me a dumbass

Looking back on friendships

More importantly relationships, marriages

I fell short in being attentive

Falling short by not being emotionally available

I have asked myself how would life be

If I shared my inner thoughts

Shared my life and not excluding the ones who loved me

Give them a glimpse at my troubles and inner pain

My marriage is a tell tale sign

That I left out details, I didn't hear yours

I should have been a better communicator

I should have cared enough to ask to listen 

The help was always next to me

Besides me on the couch

I had so much to say

I had more that I needed to hear

Losing the world I felt unworthy to live

I ran away and sought out destructive means

To destroy the trust that was freely given

Only to self destruct and take you with me

You have veered off this horrible ride

Self preservation to start a new life

My deepest regrets is I let you down

I didn't trust myself to communicate freely

I can talk about it all right now

I have failed my past and my tomorrow

I wanna talk and hear you say

Go on with your life I'll be ok

My regret, my pain and embarrassment

My remorse carries no validity

I only wish I could take your pains

And own them for both you and me

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