Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 After all of my transgressions today

I stop to wonder, how many others are out there tonight

Weeping , lonely and devastated

Some by their own actions, some at the hands of others

There is so much pain amongst us all

There is so much hatred and bitterness

Towards others and ourselves

Nothing is never good enough and nobody agrees with our bullshit

Nobody wants pity or people to feel bad

I surely don't, I could use a shoulder or a good ear

I'm usually that guy with both for others

Yet I have the same opportunities that they have yet I choose to go it alone

I break the very same advise I give

There is love all around us now

You've turned your back on it once before

Don't make the same mistakes again

I hear moment of silence cries when one dies

I'm still here fighting for my life and happiness

This fight will be without my wife

I'm ok with that because I know it's best for her

When the bell rings for my next round

I will come out on the offensive

Take this life by the throat 

And choke some life back into it.

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