Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Just Another Day

 The sun is bright today

Was thinking of taking my work outside

But it's 59 degrees out

For Southern California that's cold

I realize how spoiled we are,

My son says it's 40 where he's at

He's taking my grand boys to the park

I'm just waiting for the pictures

Work is slow and the day is long

I'm very fortunate to be allowed to work from home

The downside is no social interaction

The upside is no social interaction

The house is empty now

One is in Jury duty, the other is Golfing

The quiet around the house is oddly eerie

I could use a little noise

Times like this when the mind wanders

Where would mine go if it could

The boundaries have set a new goal

That's why I'm writing  now

I could look back on the recent past

And come up with so many different solutions

But life moves in real time speed

Slow motion and reverse are not an option

Playing lifes' recording in real time

I can somehow slow down the mind

Not so easily distracted

Towards the self destructive side

I know it's water under the bridge

It's long gone and far away

Can't make the water come back

Only to get wet once again

I'm trying to be productive

Which is to not self destruct

why change now the damage is done

But it's time to stop the bleeding

Wounds and broken hearts

Promises and vows not followed

Regrets that bring pain forever

The medicine cabinet doesn't have the answer

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