Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Can't Move Forward

 I feel like I'm beating a dead horse

Replaying everything that I can't change

Pretty hard to move forward

When I'm stuck in yesterday

Tomorrow should be a new beginning.

If only today and yesterday would go away

A rehash and another do over 

Complicates all rational thinking

I want that good conversation

With all questions answered and clarified

First step towards moving forward again

But I can't get that conversation to happen

To hear the hurt through the words

The disappointment and loss of love

This was my forever girl

With me every step through the good and bad

Through all the anger I truly hope

That there's a glimmer of love still left

I can hope she wonders if I'm alright

I'm not her responsibility anymore why would she really care

Think a good thought to a better time

When our world was small and full of love

The expansion of our complicated turmoil

Questioning every day ,even our last we spent together

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