Monday, January 8, 2024

Forever means Never

 Just when you think you have it figured out

Assuming it will all run smoothly

Do what you do and assume it will work

Aww shit it's not just me anymore

Being who I am is all I know

Breaking shit and leaving it broken

Let's go get another one

It's much easier this way

After you break it all down

Realizing that things have changed

It's not life as you once knew it

It becomes life the way it is

Tell yourself this is all for the better

You bring somebody into your life

Bags of bullshit come right along

You try to show your brightest side

Pulling back the layers of bullshit

Exposure from every side

I realize I'm in over my head

And I don't belong in this league

The years go by your colors are fading

But across from you is vibrant and bright

What have I done with my long term commitment

I've brushed it off to the side

Changes come complacency takes the front seat

And somehow I'm in the back

I fail to polish the jewel that is mine

As I age and turn to Grey

My love and world take a jolt

As I shake it from side to side

The damage is done there's no turning back

Two beating hearts collide

I thought this would last forever

But I've made it go away

I was told never say never

But forever means never again

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