Sunday, January 14, 2024

Stuck On Hurting

 Just got back from picture taking

Nothing much was going on

Very quiet and not many people out

Sitting outside in the sunshine

Wasn't really feeling it today

Nothing post worthy today

It was nice out

Had a good breakfast at a local spot

It's a feeling of total despair right now

I'm confused, sad, really trying hard to snap free

I miss my wife so much

The loss is killing me right now

I guess I'm not a heartless person after all

Because mine sure hurts like hell

I'm sure her pain is worse

I put her where she is today

It's a hopeless feeling to know you are helpless

There's nothing I can do to make amends

So much more than a broken marriage

Broken home, family for what

I want my wife back

I want our life back

I've already used my second chances

All's I have is the accountability of my failures

Knowing reconciliation will never happen

Rightfully I will live without her Goodness 

And have to think about my selfish existence

All I want is for her to talk to me

I can only thank her for tolerating me

Me and my strong opinions

My selfish ways of of not showing my love

A love so vast I never realized how fortunate I still am

Honey , you are the best

I will always send my love and my thoughts

Can't just turn off the better times

But I guess its time to change the channel,from Honey to Terria

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