Saturday, January 6, 2024

Something to capture

I was actually able to get out today and take some pictures

The Beach Promenade was filled with people

Waves were steady and surfer were out in high numbers

Parents, kids and puppies everywhere

The perfect dose of fresh air and people

Made me feel a little more alive than recent times

Yeah I still have my moments of gloom and doom

But that's to be expected after life changing events

So me and my Fuji were best friend's today

Stuck to my eye and squeezed it tight

It's an artful way to catch and release

Freedom of creativity and my inner angst

The sun began to fade behind the clouds

The cool Ocean breeze became cooler by the minute

So I packed it up and called it a day

Looking forward to the download and edit

Home at last and plugging in

Amazed and the beauty that I was able to capture

Dad's holding their kids really close

Puppies on leashes  and smiles everywhere

What a beautiful hobby to calm the mind

What a healthy way to try to find beauty

I love that its my passion and not my job

It's a place to make mistakes that can be corrected

Driving home from the beach I thought I was clear

Free from thinking of her anger towards me

The radio plays 2 consecutive songs

One song from my list and another that could be on it

So I cry a little cry but try to be tough

Why should I try to hide how I feel

I've hidden my emotions all of my life

Never once sharing or asking for help

Live in this world where it's not always fair

My truck load of baggage is backing itself up

I'll sort through the pieces of broken Greg

Does anybody ever have that much time

So I write and take photos and try to feel better

Wishing I could have read her letter

It's in pieces now much like life's plan

You pay the piper when it's time

Every day seems to be different

Like my emotions and feelings they like to do back flip

But with each day brings us closer to that closure

Until that day I still see that star in the sky

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