Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A positive thought

 It's been an ok night so far

Dealing with my limited mobility can present issues

Simple things like getting to the bathroom aren't a given anymore

Gotta be patient but ready to step on it when I need to

I need my shot of vitamin K

Definitely looking for a day with the sun

Different moods and different feel about

Can't always be 73 and sunny

Whatever comes my way I will adapt

T-shirt weather or put on the hoodie?

Either way it's good, one day closer to a good weekend

I can hold back my joy for another day or so

I've had some memories run in my head

Another song, preview of the Chicago's and one more Love Boat cruise commercial

I have stopped running from it all

Those were great times I get to hold forever

My love is distant and so far away

The 5 mile trip might as well be 55

I will give her the time and space she needs

I have the time and respect her needs

I will enjoy my good days with thankfulness and a smile

The bad days will happen if I allow them to

My thoughts and wishes are all very good

One day we will communicate like we should 

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