Friday, January 12, 2024

It's a Good Friday

 A new day is here and not sure how to attack it

Friday mornings are always a good thing

Long holiday weekend for MLK

Plans to get out and take some pictures

Speaking to my son last night

He's really enthused about this photography bug

Seems to be practicing and working to get better

He has a good start with good Cameras

We talk about our trips together

Shooting things I've never seen

Exploring new territories and new sights

IT should be a good time waiting to happen

The weekend nearly upon me and I can sleep a bit

7am workday seems too early for me

But here I am wide awake ready to finish off another workweek

Counting down which means it will drag

It's too early to write about feelings and pain

There's no desire yet I'm not there emotionally to put forward that effort

The feelings are there but will need to wait

So It's good morning for now

Back to work to finish the day

Trying to stay positive and warm

To chill outside can stay there

The heater's going ,lets' get this day over with

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