Sunday, January 28, 2024

Wait until Tomorrow

Not a bad day today

it was warm, clear and bright

 I was able to get a couple hours of good sun time

More sun when I headed out for more pictures

I spent the morning playing with my Cameras

Tweak here, a change there it all worked out nice

Had a visit from my other sister today

My ears do bleed when she leaves,but a nice visit 

Picture went ok today

Restricted by crowds and parked cars

I had a small window to shoot the shots

I managed with limited access

The day was nice I was feeling Ice cream

Baskin Robbins was nearby

We stopped and got our favorite flavors

Headed home to upload my photos

Watched a little bit of football tonight

Some of the worst I'd ever seen

Pretty tired of the Bimbo and me show

Let the boy play and stay off the screen

Tomorrow begins another workweek

Less than a year and I'll be done

I thinking of writing a poetry book 

And maybe a photo book too

I'll have the time and material

So many eras to draw from

My current debacle or my last disaster

Pick one they're equally as sad

My creative side has taken me over

I've lost my love and thus lost my way

I'm going to do what I do best

Back myself into a corner and fight my way out

I have regrets I can't make go away

I have so many things I need to say

No reasons or excuses for who I am

I am who I am and that's all I've got

For who I am was not my master plan

I thought I'd be a better man

My world fell apart and I honestly won't know What tomorrow will bring

Or if tomorrow ever comes

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